Sunday, December 28, 2008
Subject: &&their boyfriends really want me

Blah; new year new me; This is what I was thinking. Dougg; Living on the edge. Taking on new things. Falling in Love?

We'll see. So I signed in for the first time in awhile and I talked to Josh for awhile. Such a cutey <3. Hopefully I see him again soon. He is so nice to me. <3

Blah; Haven t really talked to much of anyone in the last 24 hours but hopefully I get around to hanging out. <3

So new year guys; Lets hope we all change for the better. And I think this person knows who I'm talking about.. Jerk..

anyways. MSN? I got it now <3


Blogger Leigh Eel said...
Hi Doug! Rammy tried to call you the other day to join us in going to an art exhibit, but apparantly you were busy or afk or something..
If you're ever looking for doin' something, feel free to ring me up!

About Me

My name is Dougg Eebus. I am a neko, furry, in second life.

I have a difficult time trusting people. Though I ease up over time.

This blog will show you my “adventures as I go through Second Life. Some good…some bad. I wish that we have a both pleasurable experience as I write this blog.


July 2008 l August 2008 l October 2008 l December 2008 l June 2009 l


  • RAMMY!
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    Them bitches.

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    Coding and Graphic Design by salcha4u.
    However, brush credits DO NOT go to me.